- FIXED issue with 'Send Ctrl-Alt-Del' causing Scroll Lock to get 'stuck', causing problems in keyboard input in guest
- FIXED rare issue with failure to set full-screen resolution in guest
- FIXED rare issue with failing to revert vgamode from boot.ini
- CHANGED added message code to message about new computer not finding old computer over the network
- ADDED command line interface for adding a port forwaring
- FIXED worked around issue with failure to detect migration target if computer just joined a domain and was not restarted since( a WMI issue )
- ADDED option to migrate to a target drive that is a virtual volume ( e.g. truecrypt volume, etc. )
- ADDED LAN auto activations
- FIXED all LSP related issues in ZinstallLoader - now using named pipe instead of tcp socket
- FIXED timing issue in add_application_exception on XP - if tried listening on a socket right after add_application_exception - it sometimes failed, displayed allow/deny msg to user and deleted the rule if user said cancel.
- FIXED bug with checking for minimum RAM on host at the beginning when running zPOD instead of XP7. Now only checking for XP7.
- FIXED issue with failing to automatically launch the HostUtility after migration if performing the migration in a RemoteDesktop session.
- ADDED precondition check that we are not in safe mode
- CHANGED Increased minimum host ram for running zins to 2GB
- ADDED Precondition for XP7 on target computer that there's a minium ram of 2GB
- CHANGED choice and operation in progress dialogs now have a minimize button
- FIXED problem with bootmgr workaround for boot loader incompatability
- ADDED overlay window on old desktop which is visible until GuestUtility is initialized - it allows user to switch back to host desktop or send ctrl-alt-del, before GuestUtility was initialized
- ADDED Start menu shortcut for manual fine tuning
- ADDED workaround for problem with creating zins container if Zinstall dir was NTFS compressed - error 234 ( this happens if the entire HDD is set to be NTFS Compressed ). Now making sure that Zinstall, ZinstallEx dirs are not ntfs compressed.
- CHANGED Implemented fast bad sector skipping
- FIXED Workaround for very rare failure to format the rz volume as NTFS - now reverting to FAT if NTFS format failed
- ADDED io.sys to list of possible boot loaders used in detection of a boot volume
- ADDED HpqKbFiltr keyboard filter driver to blacklist because it makes keyboard not work on old desktop
- FIXED issue with ZinstallLoader failing to start Zinstall when executed from a folder with '&' in its name
- ADDED guest start menu icons integration into host start menu. Now it is possible to launch a guest app straight from the host.
- FIXED rare issue with GuestUtility failing to install the ZinstallHelperService
- CHANGED removed warning about VSS not working
- FIXED issue with misdetection of network disconnected during migration which caused a bad message to be displayed
- CHANGED no longer trying to remove LSPs using winsock reset as it may cause network problems. Instead - just proposing to uninstall the bad software that installed the LSP
- FIXED HostUtility can now handle a situation where zinstallex.cfg is missing
- ADDED warning if VSS not working
- ADDED boot loader incompatability workaround removing a Vista/7 bootloader when the guest is an XP
- ADDED meaningful error message when sum of selected volumes' sizes is > 2TB, since this is not supported.
- CHANGED gui adjustments, new icons, new powered by logo
- CHANGED increased old computer free space precondition from 500MB to 1GB
- CHANGED now stopping zero_conf on old computer as soon as new computer connected to it
- FIXED rare issue with network zero configuration due to an exceptionally large arp table
- FIXED issue with detection of whether windows vista/7 started booting during fine tuning
- FIXED issue in copy_file permissions override workaround
- FIXED rare issue with selecting wrong default boot.ini entry
- FIXED regression from 2974 with fine tuning getting 'stuck' instead of detecting a memory depletion situation / hardware assisted virtualization missing situation
- FIXED rare issue with misdetection of a network disconnect in the middle of copying
- FIXED issue with migration getting stuck in the 'Initializing' stage due to a VSS problem
- FIXED detection of Japanese K7 preventing Zinstall from starting properly
- ADDED workaround for old computer's SYSTEM hive not having permissions for Administrators group to access it
- ADDED workaround to rare failure during copying of old computer to new computer
- ADDED a workaround for a rare failure during the 'Configure Zinstall machine' stage
- ADDED trying to fix a corrupted registry hive from the old computer instead of failing on it
- ADDED an additional generic workaround for VSS problems
- ADDED ZinstallLoader now auto detects which application causes loading to fail and proposes to uninstall it
- ADDED Zinstall now displays warning every 3 minutes (timeout is migrator options) if no sources were found.
- ADDED If trying to run migration over WLAN, a warning is displayed after pressing GO
- ADDED workaround for bad networking configuration on old computer
- ADDED HostUtility now detects a 'macine not registered' situation caused by filesystem corruption and automatically fixed it
- ADDED flushing of zPOD's drive when exiting HostUtility
- ADDED MAJOR Improvements to guest's storage resilience to power failures
- ADDED .*sql.*writer to the list of services that might potentially break VSS
- ADDED automatic workaround for some of the 'Drive incompatability' and 'Fine tuning took too long' problems
- ADDED 'Suspend' and 'Shutdown' to GuestUtility's tray icon.
- ADDED ISSADMIN to list of potentially BAD vss writers that should be stopped before creating a snapshot on XP
- CHANGED mounting of guest storage is now more robust ( disabled caching )
- CHANGED no longer running the guest popup locker on startup.
- CHANGED when Host/Guest utility start try enabling ZinstallHelperService in case it's disabled
- CHANGED updated italian translation
- CHANGED try to fix VSS if snapshot creation failed, not just if VSS is detected as completely malfunctioning
- CHANGED fixed detection of original default boot.ini entry in some cases
- CHANGED migration target auto detection to give low priority to removable drives ( previously only given low priority to external disks )
- FIXED race condition between ZinstallHelperService and ZinstallHostUtility on startup
- FIXED issue with ZinstallHostUtility not properly detecting a ZinstallHelperService restart during startup
- FIXED detection of boot loader incompat in case of an Acer mbr causing repeated real mode resets
- FIXED fine tuning can now workaround BootLoaderIncompat and RecurringBSOD/FineTuningTookTooLong at the same time
- FIXED rare issue with failing to access a shadow copy device after it was created - now verifying it's alive and recreating it if it's dead
- FIXED rare issue with failing to run migration after user manully removed entries from a configuration file
- FIXED problem with starting migration in case one of the source volumes was not formatted/was corrupted - now showing message to user asking to format it
- FIXED issue with failure to install certain compoments if they were partially uninstalled by the user
- FIXED issue with a problem during safeboot drivers enumeration causing disabling of all but white-list drivers to fail - a conclusions from diag reports
- FIXED issue in auto detection of default boot.ini entry
- FIXED issue with a lot ( 1000+ ) bad sectors in a row causing copying to fail
- FIXED rare glitches during 'Configurating Zinstall machine'
- FIXED issue with 'Sync zPOD' sometimes being enabled when machine is running
- FIXED issue in default Sync filter query because of which causing redundant data to be copied
- FIXED DiagTool in case a certain hdd is problematic in get_disk_mbr_and_bootsect, we now try all others, instead of failing all together
- FIXED rare issue with bad registry keys making resolving of service dependencies during stop_service/start_service to fail
- FIXED problem with DiagTool, ZinstallLoader failing to start when WMI was broken beyond all repair on this computer. Now displaying an error message to the user.
- FIXED guest showing a blank black screen, although everything ( including fine tuning ) is working fine behind the scenes - this was probably caused by some bad resolution settings on the source computer
With Zinstall, your new system is completely protected from any viruses and malware. No corrupt system files (DLLs, registry entries, drivers) are inserted into your new Windows 7. Zinstall completely preserves your system security and stability. No matter how many applications you had on the old Windows XP, your system remains clean and fast. 1) Have Zinstall running on both computers (make sure you see the actual Zinstall screen, not just a webpage with download links / license information) 2) Have both computers connected to same internet / network, or directly with an Ethernet cable (not USB!) 3) Make sure that you do not have a firewall on the old computer blocking the connection. Zinstall WinWin is a PC migration software, which allows to transfer applications, settings. Zinstall WinWin. How to install torchlight 2 mods. Baldwin pianos serial number lookup. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Results of torrent zinstall winwin: free download. software, Free Video dowloads, Free Music downloads, Free Movie downloads.
To create more accurate search results for Zinstall Winwin try to exclude using commonly used keywords such as: crack, download, serial, keygen, torrent, warez, etc. Simplifying your search should return more download results. Many downloads like Zinstall Winwin may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code, cd key or keygen (key generator). Zinstall works with Windows 10 (including Windows 10 to Windows 10), Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, XP and Vista, any edition, 32- and 64-bit. You can transfer between two computers, on one computer – or even from just from the old hard drive.
- MAJOR PERFORMANCE optimizations during migration and post migration usage
- ADDED Italian translation
- FIXED issue with GuestUtility's failure to start after restart of guest, after a file was copied from guest to host
- FIXED rare issue with not sometimes not setting the 'should_do_fine_tuning' flag to False in HostUtility, causing it to try and do Fine tuning every time user wanted to switch to old computer
- FIXED performance issue with guest async popup blocker consuming a lot of cpu
- FIXED disabling of tray icon hiding on win7 to work on 64 bit as well
- FIXED issue with guest utility failing to start after reverting to snapshot
- ADDED Auto estimating progress indications
- FIXED issue with race condition in starting the GuestUtility
- FIXED issue with non-indicative error message if fine tuning in hostutlity failed due to memory depletion
- FIXED issue with doing another migration attempt after VSS failed on old computer
- FIXED Show old files is now grayed out if guest shutting down was detected because it won't work in this state
- FIXED unicde related issue with network zero configuration on XP with static IP
- CHANGED now only installing the Zinstall Prnt Adapter on XP host
- CHANGED now disabling tray icon during sync
- FIXED zPOD sync failing if duplicate file fragments existed in the volume db
- ADDED progress bar to upgrade process
- FIXED BCD fixing in vista/win7 is now more clever and can handle non standard Win7 installations
- FIXED issue with sometimes 'breaking' the guest keyboard when switching to it
- CHANGED HostUtility's startup & desktop shortcuts, as well as RunZPOD.exe on root of zPOD drive are only created if migration worked until the fine tuning stage
- ADDED DiagTool now shows a green checkmark in the 'finished sending report' dialog
- FIXED Windows XP SP0 related registry_parser issue
- FIXED issue with HostUtility raising a bad error message when the real problem was that the background initialization failed
- FIXED issue with not unmounting some storages if migratoin failed
- FIXED issue with 'finding' the wrong loopback adapter when trying to retrieve the just installed loopback adapter
- FIXED glitch with failure to start guest during fine tuning
- FIXED issue with network zero conf sometimes failing to configure adapter to DHCP
- FIXED rare issue with not reverting from DHCP to a static IP when closing zinstall
- FIXED issue with sometimes automatically switching to guest during the embedding stage
- CHANGED HostUtility message about not enough memory
- ADDED some bad drivers to black list
- CHANGED increased timeout of 'paste' detection from 1 sec to 5 secs in order to make it work on slow computers
- FIXED problem with unmounting of guest fs getting stuck after shutting down guest and then causing mount offline to get stuck as well at the stage of finding an available drive letter
- FIXED vss failure now always raises a good exception that will show a suitable message to the user ( had a problem with some failures raising an ugly exception to the user )
- FIXED issue with automatic source/target detection failing if a corrupted volume was found
- ADDED support for creating a zPOD on a removable flash drive ( not just external HDD )
- FIXED problem with showing bad (internal texts) error messages when fine tuning in HostUtility fails
- CHANGED RunZPOD.exe now doesn't require admin privileges by default - if HostUtility detects the helper service isn't running, it restarts itself as admin and installs helper service, etc.
- ADDED workaround for copy-paste from host to guest breaking down after connecting & disconnecting using vnc viewer because of the vnc viewer breaking the clipboard chain
- FIXED issue with not refreshing vss snapshot on XP across subsequent runs of zinstall
- CHANGED offline guest fs is now mounted to z: as well ( using subst ) - this helps provide a more consistent user experience where the guest fs is always mounted to z:
- CHANGED waiting for guest windows to boot ( PCNET / dhcp detected in zbox log ) before switching to guest
- ADDED When user does TrayIcon->Exit - ask user whether he wants to forcefully kill the guest
- ADDED better handling of zPOD drive being yanked out while it's running
- FIXED issue with mount online guest fs on Win7 not showing Z: drive in explorer
- ADDED workaround for new computer having a corrupted PATHEXT env variable
- ADDED disabling of startup apps in guest in a way that allows re-enabling them using msconfig - disabling apps from HKLM..Run, HKCU..Run, All UsersStartup, UserStartup
- CHANGED HostUtility doesn't wait for Initialization to finish in order to enable the tray icon - instead it will wait after the user does 'Switch To Old' or 'Show Old Files'. that way the initialization is FAST as far as the user is concerned
- FIXED zPOD->Exit is now MUCH faster - only takes 2-3 seconds
- FIXED issue with no spinning progress on some XP installations due to missing CRT dlls
- FIXED issue with rare failure to install ZinstallHelperService in case it was already installed
- ADDED handling of a computer with disk encryption that encrypts the boot sector
- FIXED issue with choosing MiniNT as the default windows installation
- ADDED WLAN workaround - auto detection of migration source now preferes a storage available via a wired connection over a wireless connection.
- FIXED issue with update/repair in case where Zinstall is not working because ZinstallHostUtility.exe is missing
- CHANGED significant optimiazations for post-copying (adjusting) until fine tuning stages of migration
- FIXED issue with missing mouse GUID in CurrentControlSetControl making migration fail
- FIXED rare issue with log file not rotating
- ADDED Option to upgrade all Zinstall components of an already migrated machine, instead of doing a new migration
- FIXED generic fix for VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR problem - now backing up and removing corrupted registerd VSS providers from HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetVSSProviders
- FIXED boot loader incomparability with some Acer laptops
- ADDED precondition not to allow selecting FAT32 volume as migration target because it can't hold files > 4GB ( more precisly - only allow NTFS/exFAT as target )
- ADDED warning if some source volume is not NTFS recommending user to converts to NTFS
- ADDED if guest was paused - disable 'Show old computer files' in tray icon because it will lead to filesystem corruption
- ADDED workaround for failure to mount boot volume on the old computer, which caused migration precondition of making sure that there's at least one bootable volume in target layout to fail.
- FIXED added workaround for failure to create snapshot and for snapshot creation destroying the guest machine
- ADDED in offline activation, green checkmark checksum indicator to confirmation ID ( similar to serial )
- ADDED HostUtility now runs fine tuning in case it didn't work during migration
- ADDED if bad sectors are detected on the source storage during migration - a warning is displayed in the progress dialog
- FIXED issue with failing to switch MainWindow language to English if default language ( derived from the computer's locale ) was NOT english
- ADDED workaround for strange IDE controller configuration on old computer
- FIXED boot loader issue with in-place migration from Vista to Win7
- FIXED failure to show new computer (host) files on Win7 64bit guest
- ADDED progress indication in several places in host utility
- CHANGED optimized closing of HostUtility in ZPOD
- CHANGED rz driver is now loaded ON_DEMAND
- ADDED diagtool now adds disk MBR and bootsect output (gives the extra info for real physical disks on the host)
- ADDED password protection of HostUtility
- ADDED detection and reporting to user of no support for running a 64bit guest on host that doesn't support Hardware Virtualization
- FIXED issue with not being able to restart GuestUtility without restarting the helper service ( which might happen during user logoff and logon again )
- FIXED issue with online view guest fs not working when migrating a PC that was previously a migration target
- CHANGED now trying to do guest configuration every time on startup until it succeeds - instead of only trying the first time it booted
- FIXED race condition issue in when killing a hung component's process
- FIXED initialization of host for online guest fs is now done in the background in order to speed up HostUtility initialization
- ADDED Handling of Bad sectors when copying from same computer as well, not just over the network
- FIXED issue with avoiding bad clusers from $BadClus failed when there was only one bad fragment
- ADDED Full support for Win7 source computers - both video and audio now work well
- ADDED offline guest fs now mounts volumes don't have drive letters
- ADDED HostUtility now has command line arg 'revert' that reverts to latest snapshot
- FIXED zinstall_rsf_user creation on guest creates it so that its password never expires
- ADDED workaround for issue with fine tuning not working when Kaspersky is installed on source computer
- FIXED rare race condition with failing to initialize support for online guest fs on host

- FIXED rare issue of failing to load after a successul activation
- FIXED rare failure to install Zinstall loopback adapter
- FIXED issue with failure to switch to host if guest has Z: mounted as a network share
- FIXED issue with failure to offline mount guest fs if registry hive is missing or corrupt
- FIXED issue with mounting the wrong set of snapshot VMDKs in offline guest view fs after reverting to snapshot
- FIXED issue with start menu shortcuts being created unstranslated
- ADDED helper service running verification in both Host and Guest utility now installs the service in case it wasn't installed - workaround for strange issue of ZinstallHelperService not being installed on guest
- FIXED Boot loader incompatability issue that occurred on some HP source PCs
- CHANGED 'Show old computer files' is now disabled on XP host when VM is running
- FIXED LicenseAgreement is now being centered
- ADDED RAM precondition check in HostUtility
- CHANGED increased Machine_Stopping timeout to make power off more robust
- FIXED issue in diagtool sometimes failing if the guest's storage was corrupted
- CHANGED if memor depletion encountered in HostUtility - answering 'No' to the msg box now powers off the guest
- FIXED rare issue with ZinstallLoader silently failing
- FIXED adding of firewall exception on vista/win7 now adds it for all profiles ( public, private, domain )
- FIXED now only creating 'after_fine_tuning' snapshot if fine tuning was successful
- CHANGED guest driver disabler is now smarter and removes driver from being listed as an Upper/Lower filter from ControlCriticalDeviceDatabase, Enum, ControlClass, etc.
- ADDED some guest drivers to the black list
- ADDED some logging to ease troubleshooting
- FIXED issue with showing a non-indicative message when snapshot creation failed for the windows volume
- ADDED DiagTool now displays a form on start prompting the user to describe the problem and give additional info about his computer(s)
- FIXED DiagTool issue with failing to retrieve list of installed apps on 32bit windows due to confusion with Wow6432Node
- ADDED disabling of logitech mouse filter drivers ( LMouKE, L8042mou ) that caused problems with mouse in XP guest
- FIXED rare problem with running out of drive letters in guest.
- FIXED issue with host utility failing to start the old machine if it previously crashed
- CHANGED major redesign of activation GUI - added checksum to serial that prevents errors when typing it
- ADDED Now adding an extra Loopback adapter with ip to ease printer sharing. The ip now has netmask
- FIXED issue with ZinstallLoader hanging for a long time after Zinstall.exe finished running
- FIXED issue with some pop up dialogs not being centered when launched as children of another window
- ADDED 'Are you sure you wanna exit?' msg when closing Zinstall using Exit/Abort/X button/File->Exit
- ADDED Offline mode to DiagTool, in which it creates a zip files the user should send to us by e-mail
- ADDED show an early warning if no active partition exists in the target layout
- ADDED DiagTool now also collects generci diagnostic info about the PC: event log warnings & errors, disk & partition layout, ipconfig /all output, etc.
- ADDED DiagTool is now localised to all supported languages
- CHANGED more gui enhancements
- ADDED allow de-selecting specific volumes when doing a migration ( while showing a warning for the user that migration might fail because of it )
- ADDED workaround for MSDEWriter failure causing failure to create a VSS Snapshot on XP - now stopping services MSSql related services if creating a VSS snapshot failed
- FIXED rare problem with viewing online guest fs for XP Home guest - now it works if file sharing is enabled on the XP Home guest
- FIXED UAC related issue with z: network share on host breaking host utility's container
- ADDED creating an additional snapshot of the migrated machine after a fine tuning completes successfully
- FIXED a rare issue with the registry_parser with Windows XP SP0
- FIXED issue with host_utility remounting ( SetVolumeMountPoint ) all host drives, even if they were already mounted. this resulted in a race condition that sometimes caused 'SwtichToNew' to fail in guest
- CHANGED allow user to to Migration to New HD on Windows XP/Vista as well
- FIXED message about not enough available space on target is more accurate now ( takes into account the minimum free space we want to be left on the target )
- ADDED creation of a snapshot before the fine tuning stage
- ADDED workaround for failure to create a VSS snapshot - if failed creating snapshot for a non system volume, try dismounting the volume and lock it until deleteSnapshot is called
- FIXED bug with trying vss workaround of resizing shadow storage even on volumes so small that the attempted shadow storage size is less than the minimum 300MB
- FIXED issue with copying a 2nd volume on an extended partition
- FIXED better error message if vss shadow resize workaround fails
- FIXED generic unicode fix of setting a custom 'zinstall' encoding as the default encoding.
- ADDED some logging to ease troubleshooting
- CHANGED UI layout according to designer's comments
- FIXED generically fixed rare issue with failing to listen on a port after restarting Zinstall.exe.
- CHANGED in vista/win7 - if vss snapshot creation failed and no ShadowStorage is allocated for the volume - allocate shadow storage with size 5% of volume capacity and try creating snapshot again
- CHANGED guest utility now shows up faster after guest boot
- CHANGED fixing of boot_sector is now carried out for partition of all types except for Extended partition, instead of only doing it for NTFS, FAT32. this is good for various recovery partitions that have a weird mbr partition type
- ADDED as an optimization, host_utility now gets a hint in it's config as to what is the default windows installation ( volume_index, windir ) from which it should take the registry and MountedDevices list. This should speed up the first offline mount
- ADDED fixing of sectors_per_track field of boot_sector to workaround a rare issue with guest getting stuck during boot
- ADDED handling of non-standard windows directory names ( e.g. WINNT, WINDOWS1 )
- ADDED generic handling of XP dual boot
- FIXED issue with filtering out Program Files, Document and Settings, etc. from non-windows.old volumes in in-place scenario
- ADDED a workaround for a malfunctioning VSS - deleting dead catalog entries
- FIXED issue with offline mount mounting the same volume multiple times
- FIXED issue with not fixing boot.ini in in-place mode because winload.exe was found on the volume
- FIXED extracting of drivers from XP's cabs is more robust
- FIXED issue in checking whether imdisk is installed that caused creation of an imdisk registry key
- FIXED rare issue with missing 'Documents and Settings' folder in in-place scenario
- FIXED rare unicode issue with failure to delete unicode files during handling of Windows.old in in-place scenario
- FIXED issue with network share z: interefering with our z: that is used for host/guest filesystem access
- ADDED if bootable target volume has no boot loader - put a our own boot loader on it
- CHANGED no longer rely on existance of BOOTSECT.bak for in-place scenario
- FIXED issue with checking for available disk space even if debug_skip_copy_phase is True
- ADDED 'Switch to new desktop' start menu entry in guest
- ADDED running HostUtility or GuestUtility from desktop while it's already running displays a balloon notification
- FIXED problem with shutdown of Host on vista/win7 not allowing the user to cancel in order to gracefully shutdown the guest
- CHANGED improved vss snapshot timeout
- CHANGED optimized logging performance hit
- ADDED host client utility now puts a 'Switch to Old Desktop' icon in start menuZinstall
- ADDED bad sector avoidance using $BadClus::$Bad
- ADDED wmi precondition check
- ADDED bitmap copy support for FAT32
- CHANGED precondition checks so that we only check for network_adapter_present if we're gonna need networking
- FIXED rare ntfs parsing issue
- FIXED rare issue with not re-adding DVD drive to machine in case fine tuning failed
- FIXED better detection and reporting of VSS problems on Windows XP

- FIXED boot failure for some source computer configurations
- CHANGED removed option to filter out files > 10MB, now smallest is > 100MB
- FIXED mounting vmdks is now more robust
- ADDED disabling of dvd before fine tuning and reverting afterwards ( to prevent accidental boot from CD during fine tuning )
- ADDED Workaround for memory depletion problem when running the old computer machine - try to resume the machine if there is enough available memory, or show a message to the user if there really is not available memory.
- ADDED support for 64 bit XP source
- CHANGED offline view old files now tries unmounting the guest's vmdk without force and only fallbacks to using force if it has to
- CHANGED automatic RAM configuration algorithm
- CHANGED increased timeout of waiting for machine to start running
- CHANGED improved progress indication during the fine tuning process
- FIXED auto detection now ignore externa/removable drives from remote computers ( previously only ignored them on local computer )
- FIXED issue with volume without drive letters on windwos XP
- FIXED issue with HostUtility failing to start if machine was left in 'Saved' state
- FIXED rare issue with fine tuning getting stuck forever if some of its stages completed successully
- CHANGED If VSS Snapshot creation fails, message to user now asks user to verify he has at least 500MB free on source volume since creating a snapshot fails if volume has less than 320MB available
- FIXED HostUtility uninstaller to work on 64bit ( problem was that RegDelKey was used instead of RegDelKeyEx( WOW64_64KEY )
- FIXED No more restarts required when running new version
- FIXED guest utility rare hang on get_guest_property
- FIXED rare issue with a mismatch in the bpb structure of a migrated computer
- FIXED rare issue with invalid fields in the ntfs boot sector causing problems
- FIXED issue with reverting to an XP boot loader in in-place mode in case Windows 7 update was performed from inside Windows and not from a bootable installation DVD.
- CHANGED reimplemented automatic network configuration to be more robust and make as few changes as possible to the network configuration
- CHANGED improved initial configuration questions
- CHANGED Fine tuning now reports progress using checkpoints deduced from the logs of the migrated machine
- ADDED automatic detection of some problems during fine tuning: a recurring BSOD, custom boot loader preventing windows from booting, low memory on host.
- CHANGED auto detection of Zinstall machine target drive now excludes external drives unless there's no other option
- ADDED It's now possible to choose on which drive to put the Zinstalled machine ( auto detection still chooses the one with most free space )
- ADDED ZinstallLoader now warns user that running a new version will render an old zinstall machine unusable
- CHANGED When an old version is detected, ZinstallLoader now does ZinstallHostUtility.exe uninstall instead of just uninstalling the drivers
- FIXED powering off the migrated machine in case of a fine tuning failure is more robust
- FIXED now fixing the migrated machine's boot.ini to account for a situation where the XP partition changed it's place relative to a recovery partition
- ADDED removing of sony battery nag screen
- ADDED some guest drivers to black list
- CHANGED client utility tray icon is now created as 'disabled' and is enabled only after initialization is complete
- ADDED Try starting helper service if it's currently stopped - this might help when helper service failed to start or was disabled and user is an admin on XP
- FIXED race condition between HostUtility starting on startup and ZinstallHelperService
- CHANGED better displaying of error messages
- CHANGED Host utility is now single instance, instead of killing the previous instance if it's running
- FIXED handling of external and removable drives to be smarter
- FIXED rare failure of creating a VSS snapshot if too many mount points exist on the old computer
- FIXED rare race condition issue with installation if ZinsVideo guest driver getting stuck and making migration fail in 'Fine Tuning' stage
- CHANGED auto detection in Old HD -> New HD mode is now smarter
- ADDED support migration to/from External HD in OldHD->NewHD mode
- ADDED warning for user if no source disk with Windows on it was selected
- FIXED bug with always using the default filter_query instead of the one selected in the advanced dialog
- FIXED rare issue with windows version checks
- FIXED increated timeout of fine tuning stage
- ADDED support for in-place migration
- ADDED support for migrating an old Windows from an old hard drive to the new computer
- FIXED some ntfs parsing issues
- FIXED now reverting to raw copy mode if NTFS copying mode did not work
- ADDED some progress indications
- FIXED rare filesystem corruption issue when doing full filtering.
- ADDED Support for Windows 7 targets
Zinstall Download Free
- ADDED precondition check that we are not in safe mode
- CHANGED Increased minimum host ram for running zins to 2GB
- ADDED Precondition for XP7 on target computer that there's a minium ram of 2GB
- CHANGED choice and operation in progress dialogs now have a minimize button
- FIXED problem with bootmgr workaround for boot loader incompatability
- ADDED overlay window on old desktop which is visible until GuestUtility is initialized - it allows user to switch back to host desktop or send ctrl-alt-del, before GuestUtility was initialized
- ADDED Start menu shortcut for manual fine tuning
- ADDED workaround for problem with creating zins container if Zinstall dir was NTFS compressed - error 234 ( this happens if the entire HDD is set to be NTFS Compressed ). Now making sure that Zinstall, ZinstallEx dirs are not ntfs compressed.
- CHANGED Implemented fast bad sector skipping
- FIXED Workaround for very rare failure to format the rz volume as NTFS - now reverting to FAT if NTFS format failed
- ADDED io.sys to list of possible boot loaders used in detection of a boot volume
- ADDED HpqKbFiltr keyboard filter driver to blacklist because it makes keyboard not work on old desktop
- FIXED issue with ZinstallLoader failing to start Zinstall when executed from a folder with '&' in its name
- ADDED guest start menu icons integration into host start menu. Now it is possible to launch a guest app straight from the host.
- FIXED rare issue with GuestUtility failing to install the ZinstallHelperService
- CHANGED removed warning about VSS not working
- FIXED issue with misdetection of network disconnected during migration which caused a bad message to be displayed
- CHANGED no longer trying to remove LSPs using winsock reset as it may cause network problems. Instead - just proposing to uninstall the bad software that installed the LSP
- FIXED HostUtility can now handle a situation where zinstallex.cfg is missing
